Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Monday!

hey, hope you all are having a fantastic monday! I no i did. well, sorta. I had a history test today. ohh gosh was that no fun. Anyways. So, for my inspiration today... these sandals from jcrew. called the ares platform heels. they are a must. so so so cute. they work really well for summer and any other season. But since summer is coming rapidly, they work perfectly. i just love it for a night out on the town, or just a casual dinner out with the friends. You can totally dress them up, or down! hope you enjoy!

{photo cred:} 

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Belly tops, flip flops
Lemonade, in the shade
Blue skies, hot guys,
Late nights water fights,
Ice creams, sweet dreams,
Bathing suits, shooting hoops,
Party time, schools out,
Sleeping in,sneaking out
Summer's coming...
Summer oh ten, let it begin.

so, i am ohh so excited because in less than 2 weeks, i will be off to blissful summer time :)

this is all i have time for today. but i will get back on soon.

whose following me!